ISE Vision
The School’s vision is for pupils at ISE to not only achieve outstanding academic results but also develop the motivation, skills and determination to make a positive difference to the world in which they live.
We aspire to be an outstanding British and French school that is innovative, cutting-edge, and aspirational.
This is achieved through the provision of a challenging curriculum which develops critical, principled thinking within a positive learning environment, and which addresses the student’s academic, social, emotional, physical, technological, aesthetic, and moral needs.
ISE Mission
Our mission is to educate all students to become inclusive, successful and empowered citizens of the world.
ISE Core Values
ISE is guided in all its actions and decisions by its commitment to our ASPIRE values:
All staff and governors at ISE recognise that pupils who are confident about their learning and who have a growth mind-set, persist when faced with challenges. Pupils who can set goals, manage stress and have awareness of their mental health are more likely to thrive in a school setting.
Our aim is to explicitly teach and model to our children what is ethically important in different situations, leading them to become more autonomous with decision making and reflective about the choices they will need to make as they grow up. ASPIRE is not just apparent in one subject or lesson, but permeates the school ethos and is built into our everyday practice.