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At the IBSA we know that a good education is built on a strong partnership between parents and the school. It would be strange if during the time your child is with us (normally 13 years) if at some point you did not have a concern about something.

Many issues raised by parents, the community, or pupils, are concerns rather than complaints. We are committed to taking concerns seriously, at the earliest stage, in the hope of keeping the number of formal complaints to a minimum and without needing formal procedures. So, we welcome suggestions for improving our work in school. Be assured that, no matter what you want to tell us, our support and respect for your child will not be affected in any way. So please tell us of your concern as soon as possible.

Depending on the nature of the complaint, you may be asked to follow the school’s formal complaints procedure. For the school to be able to investigate and record a complaint properly. The form and the policy showing the process is available on this page. It shows an outline of the stages we will take to resolve complaints.

Complaints Form

Concerns/Complaints / Form

Complainant/شكوي :