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Thank you for considering International Schools of Egypt for your child’s education and we welcome your interest in the school. The application process begins a year in advance of the September admission.
Please download the application form for admission, complete and send it to info@ise.edu.eg
This policy is intended to ensure that the admission procedures at ISE are fair, open and consistent, reflect the school’s vision, mission and values, and support the school’s English National Curriculum. It also commits ISE to ensuring that all admitted students are able to receive a quality education that will meet their individual needs.
Prospective families will have an opportunity to visit the school and learn about the National Curriculum for England and Wales (often called the British Curriculum). They will receive an introduction to our quality educational experience and have time for their questions to be answered regarding the school. The procedure for admissions will be explained fully, along with the age of admissions and any other stipulations according to current Ministry of Education requirements.
The admission ages of students will adhere to MOE regulations and requirements. For example, a child must be age 4 years by Oct. 1st for entrance to FS2. Students are placed with their intellectual, social, and emotional development as young people.
The ISE will:
- Ensure that all enrolment information is clearly communicated, and MOE regulations are followed throughout the admissions process, including the fees charged.
- Determine the enrolment numbers per grade and oversee the admissions procedures and the communication with parents regarding acceptance and the offer of a place.
Parents will:
- Enrol their age-appropriate child and provide all required documentation and pay the stipulated fee payments within the applicable due dates.
- Ensure that their child is present for baseline testing and possible interviews at the established appointment time.
Provide the school with pertinent information to ensure their child can be understood so, we can ensure they are well cared for and will make progress.
Criteria for Admission:
Sufficient space must be available for the student to be enrolled in their appropriate year level.
All required documentation has been received, including:
- an ISE family questionnaire,
- medical records,
- previous school records including report cards for the previous three years (if applicable).
- any other relevant documentation, such as a transfer certificate from another school.
If prior records are deemed sufficient and authentic, then the final stage will include the following:
- The child needs to pass an entrance assessment, that is appropriate to their age.
- Both parents attend a face-to-face interview with the Head of School
A prospective student will be given priority for an available place if any of the following conditions apply:
- the child is the offspring of an educator employed in the school.
- or a sibling of that child is accepted to the school and is attending.
The offer of a place is first-come-first-served for available places.
- Acceptance of a placement offer is provided in writing by the parent or guardian within a given deadline
- At least one orientation and information day will be provided for prospective parents and students in late May or June, and one held for admitted students and parents in late August, at the start of the school year
- All enrolling students and parents will be welcomed by the Admissions Officer
Enrolment Register
- An application form will need to be completed and submitted for each student.